Dark Knuckle Removal Set
Bloomyessence Dark Knuckle Set are sets of magical dark knuckle cleanser and exfoliating scrub that has proven to lighten up dark marks and hyperpigmentation on the feet, hands, knuckles, knees and elbows.
It’s strong organic formula are works perfectly to exfoliate the build up and also slow down the production of pigmentation and diminish already existing uneven skin. It stimulates cell renewal to prevent the appearance of dark patches.
- Dark Knuckle Cleanser : 100ml
- Dark Knuckle Exfoliating Scrub : 100ml
It’s proven to effectively lighten up dark knuckles, dark toes , dark elbows dark knees, dark ankles , inner thighs and bikini lines. It also prevents them from resurfacing on your skin after the complete treatment.
Apply the knuckle scrub on the affected areas and scrub for 5mins, apply the knuckle cleanser in a cotton wool and deep cleanse the area, then use a cotton bud to apply the oil on the dark areas and let it dry.
Best used 3 times daily for effective results.
Enriched with
Peeling oil, crude kenacol, spa salt, soda, lemon oil, Hot oil
It’s proven to effectively lighten up dark knuckles, toes , dark elbows dark knees, ankles , inner thighs and bikini lines. It also prevents them from coming back again after the treatment is completed.
Apply the knuckle scrub on the affected areas and scrub for 5mins, apply the knuckle cleanser in a cotton wool and deep cleanse the area, then apply use a cotton bud to apply the oil on the dark areas and let it dry.
Best used 3 times daily for effective results.
Enriched with
Peeling oil, crude kenacol, spa salt, soda, lemon oil, Hot oil
Warning ⚠️ kindly stop the use of bleaching creams, soap or any lightening cream/ black soaps that is not from BLOOMYESSENCE till you get results. You are advised to use Bloomyessence PRODUCTS ONLY because it contains anti-dark knuckle and anti-stretch mark ingredients, only use Bloomyessence products for this period.
I recieved maybe a diferent package got acne set with only the scrub l didnt receive the cleanser

Dark Knuckle Removal Set